Thursday, May 13, 2010

Writing Exercise Two

Rafe is a visionary in that he had a vision and he made it happen. He started small and now that he has been teaching for 20 years he has so many ideas and it seems like he is doing something really big for these kids. He seems like such an interesting fellow. Watching that video really made me feel passionate about what I do. I think sometimes I forget how much of an impact I could have because I see so many people in a day. The things I found that were so unique about his teaching style were the fact that he teaches fifth graders Shakespeare and he is so incredibly interactive with these kids. He said, "I like to get kids on the right track early," which is such a profound idea. If more teachers thought like that I think they would make more of an impact on their lives long term. Teachers are so important and he takes his job so seriously. I was just watching like, wow! These kids are more passionate and emotional than most of the adults that I know. The thing I found most troubling is the neighborhoods and the environment that these kids are being brought up in. I think that these kids have to keep being told that they can do whatever they want to do.

My goals for this next year is really just to keep learning and improving myself. There is so much opportunity and so little I actually act on. I have recently decided that I am going to try to experience as many new things as I can in the next year and keep a log of all of them. I am excited to be going back to school so I need to remember to appreciate this opportunity.


  1. i agree completely you have to start the motivation early and make it a habit.

  2. I agree that getting kids on the right track early is a huge deal and that the earlier the better, because the younger the child the easier you can shape their mind and teach them the most important things.

  3. Yeah, Rafe's passion is so inspiring. I think if everyone put themselves into their work with that kind of passion, we would all be able to accomplish so much more. That kind of passion is contagious. It takes that sort of dedication and enthusiasm to realize your goals!

  4. I agree that often times we forget the impact that we have on people just in our everyday lives and how we can have a positive influence on them! I like how you said watching him made you feel passionate about what you do which it made me feel the same way as well!
